8 Dramatic Writing Prompts

Lauren Kayzles
2 min readSep 7, 2021

Writing prompts for both writers and non-writers alike! Get the creativity flowing with these 8 dramatic writing prompts.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

1. The Hitchhiker

A couple pulls over on a small road to help a hitchhiker. One spouse was suspicious of the hitchhiker, and the other believed that nothing bad could come of it. Which was right? How did this new addition change this impromptu road trip?

2. A Strange Email

One morning, your character goes in to work. Everything is as it always is. Overpriced coffee, rush-hour traffic, the same mundane elevator talk with the co-workers they loathe.

Until they opened their work computer to a most strange email. What does it say? How does it change their life?

3. This Burning House

The story ends in flames. Literally…

What started the fire? How did things come to this?

4. An Invisible Life

One day, your character up and vanished. The life they once lived, the plans they once had, everything… it was all cancelled. Now your character had to find a way to reverse this curse, and become whole again.

5. A Simple Beauty

In a life where we’re taught only the most lavish, or unique things are beautiful, a character must learn to find the beauty in simplicity.

6. The Beginning is the End

Write a story where the beginning is the same as the ending.

7. Pizza Delivery Boy

This character thought they found their dream job working as a pizza delivery boy. They showed up to work on time, got glowing reviews from customers, and best of all, had a pleasant relationship with their bosses.

One day though, this employee learns that their boss is actually the leader of the most ruthless mafia in their city. What does the character do?

8. A Perfect Day

After having the perfect day, your character wakes up to live the same day. Over and over, in a loop. Eventually, they began to feel numb. Something needed to change. They needed to get out of the constant deja vu, but they didn’t know how. How would they fix this?



Lauren Kayzles

Lauren is a fantasy writer who believes everyone has a bit of magic in their hearts. She hopes to read every fantasy story of the modern era as well as publish!